Imperial City Eye Meeting (ICEM)
Hawaiian Eye Foundation’s Imperial City Eye Meeting (ICEM) in VietNam is one of the largest eye surgical training programs in Asia.
During a cataract training trip to Hue City, VietNam in 2004, Foundation President Dr. John Corboy was asked by leaders of the Eye Department of Hue Central Hospital if Hawaiian Eye Foundation would support the creation of an eye surgical training program in VietNam.
Thus in 2006, in coordination with Hue Central Hospital, we began the Training Program, a biennial conference where volunteer surgeons from around the world lecture and demonstrate advanced eye surgical techniques to Vietnamese ophthalmologists.
Through lectures and one-on-one wet lab microscopic training sessions on pigs’ eyes, hundreds of Vietnamese eye doctors have been trained to date, benefiting innumerable Vietnamese patients.
Faculty members are needed to: lecture in cataract, retina, glaucoma, cornea, refractive, and reconstructive surgery; and / or conduct lab instruction in phaco- emulsification, small incision cataract surgery (MSICS), YAG laser, biometry, gonioscopy, indirect ophthalmoscopy, and suturing techniques.
Vietnamese American Ophthalmology Symposium (VAOS)
Vietnamese American Ophthalmology Symposium (VAOS) is a new, ongoing training project developed by Hawaiian Eye Foundation and American Eye Center VietNam.
VAOS consists of a series of training programs in Ho Chi Minh City and the city of Hue, each focusing on an ophthalmic specialty topic presented by one or more visiting volunteer faculty members.
VAOS is intended to supplement ICEM by providing Vietnamese eye doctors with more frequent and in-depth, specialty eye care training opportunities.
Click here to see VAOS program reports.
Please help us offer these unique training opportunities at minimal cost to Vietnamese physician trainees by serving as a volunteer, or donor, or corporate exhibitor.