The 1st Myanmar Eye Meeting was held in 2014 with our partners: Yangon Eye Hospital, Zeiss and American Vision. Because of it’s success, HEF was invited back again to hold this bi-annual training symposium.
The 2nd Myanmar Eye Meeting was a huge success! Thank you to our team of 19 faculty (10 ophthalmologists, 9 ophthalmic techs) and additional volunteers who just returned from Yangon! Over the week, 8 different sub-specialists each held a lecture series, patient consultations session and did surgery demonstrations. A total of 100+ examinations and 33 surgery demonstrations were conducted. HEF also hosted 42 Burmese residents in a skills transfer course of 9 different topics. Over 100 local ophthalmologists attended MEM 2015 and learned skills to take back to their patients.
2017 was our 3rd MEM – even more well attended and brought additional faculty and staff with an increased number of skills transfer courses!
The most recent 2019 program – MEM-IV – was sponsored by new leaders, Alcon International, along with American Vision Myanmar. Johnson & Johnson, Allergan and CorneaGen also donated to increase the specialty skills and this year, add 13 corneal transplants to the program.
A very special thank you to the new Yangon Eye Hospital Director, Dr. Yee Yee Aung. She worked in coordination with retired Director Dr. Tin Win, and current oculoplastics specialist Dr. KoKo Lin, to plan and execute over 300 examinations and dozens of surgeries.
We are excited to continue working with the incredible staff of YEH for the 2021 MEM-V!
More photos to come…
Volunteer to be a specialty lecturer or basic skills trainer at our next training meeting by emailing us at for more information.

2019 MEM with Drs. Tan and Tuyen and the Cataract doctors – holding Sponsor ALCON banner.

Director (retired) Dr. Tin Win and world renowned Cornea specialist Dr. Allen Eghrari holding the CorneaGen Sponsor sign with some of the recipients of cornea transplants in September 2019.

Dr. Phil Custer with Drs. Armin Koestinger and KoKo Lin (Oculoplastics specialists) and staff holding the 2019 Allergan Sponsorship sign.

Dr. Donovan Reed, Dr. Susan Ruyle, Ophthalmic tech Tramaine Davis and Dr. Hoang Tam with Myanmar doctors and the J&J sponsor sign.